Blue Mind


    Blue mind is a new scientific description of the feeling many people get when they are near, around, on or just listening to water. Not everyone feels that way about water but those of us that do have known it for a long time.

    For us it has been a lifelong knowing of that warm, joyous, happy feeling we feel whenever we are on, near or around the water and especially when we are at the beach, on a boat, scuba diving, fishing or just relaxing! We found that as we were talking about it, trip planning, talking about where we want to go or where we have been that feeling returns to us. It is kind of like a touch stone.

    We desire to share that feeling with you and meet others that feel this way too. It happens often when we meet people that are in their “Blue Mind” we share amazing conversations, we talk and laugh and there is not the tension of everyday life. It may be that we just wave at each other as our boats pass by one another, but it is recognition of that feeling. I’m feeling it; I see you’re feeling it too!

    If you like to geek out on the science behind it check out the book and videos by Marine biologist and author Dr. Wallace J. Nichols who coined the term “blue mind” in his 2014 book Blue Mind to describe the human connection to water. If that is not your thing, just get a shirt, put a sticker on your mug, your computer or your dashboard.  But however you choose to do it, remind yourself and others of that amazing feeling as often as you can! It can’t hurt to be happy and it is a whole lot better than the alternative!

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